We rely on individuals and organizations to maintain our services at Old Irving Park Community Clinic. Together, we want to assist uninsured people obtain services to help provide for their physical and behavioral health needs and improve their quality of life. When you give financial support, we are able to provide medical and behavioral health care to adults who otherwise go without basic services or use emergency rooms for their care. For every $1 you donate, we provide $6 worth of services to our patients.

Donations are tax-deductible.

OIPCC is an IRS recognized 501c3 organization since 2007. Our federal tax ID# is 33-1164946

Donate online:

Click the button below to be redirected to our online donation form. After filling out the donation form, you will be redirected to PayPal where you can securely donate via PayPal OR Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & Amex.

Donate by mail:

Please print this form and make checks payable to:

Old Irving Park Community Clinic
5425 West Addison Street
Chicago, IL 60641

Amazon Smile:

Shop through our Amazon Smile link and Amazon will make a donation to the Old Irving Park Community Clinic!

Matching Gifts:

Double or triple your donation through your company’s matching-gift program! Such programs typically match all or a percentage of employee contributions to charitable organizations, making the employer a partner in employees’ personal philanthropy. Simply obtain a matching-gift form from your employer’s personnel office, fill it out, and provide it to OIPCC with your contribution. We’ll process the matching gift with your company.

Which donations to the Clinic are tax-deductible?

The IRS considers donations of cash, securities, and property as charitable deductions for income tax purposes. All gifts are acknowledged in writing, noting the exact amount of the donation, according to IRS regulations.

Do you have any additional questions?

Please email or call 773-427-0298.